META.TXT Information about the META compile process PF is configured to make it easy to META compile the kernel. All you need to do is type the following at the DOS prompt: PMETA This will start a batch file that begins the meta compile process. PF will be loaded, and it will in turn load META86.SEQ which will compile the PF kernel. You will be prompted Yes or No on whether symbols should be displayed, press Y or N as you wish. The compile will take a minute or so, somewhat longer if labels are printed. A new file called PKERNEL.COM will be created in the current directory. If PKERNEL.COM already exists, it will be overwritten. Having completed the meta compile process, you can now extend the system to the full PF.EXE, by typing the batch file name: INSTALL PKERNEL.COM will be extended and installed for your current directory structure, allowing VIEW to work from any directory, and setting PF.EXE for the version of DOS you are using. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As this system is currently configured, there is only a VERY SMALL amount of memory remaining ( less than 2k ) after a meta compile. Be carful about adding ANY new definitions to the kernel files, as this can VERY EASILY result in a crash due to insufficient memory. The statistics printed at the end of the meta compile are obscure to decipher, but if you subtract the first number printed from the second number printed, that is HOST space remaining. The last number printed is symbol space remaining. Both of these are very small. ( less than 1k ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!